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Sunday in Quebec City

It was an overnight cruise from Montreal to Quebec City. The ship docked just before 7 Sunday morning. We had tours prearranged for each day in the different cities we'd be visiting during our cruise, and Sunday's tour was a 3-hour jaunt (on foot) through old Quebec. We discovered that the natives call the city Quebec City (officially it's just Quebec) to differentiate it from the province, and that they also pronounce the name something like Keh-bec (no "w" sound).

Since our tour didn't start until 12:30, we had a leisurely breakfast and explored the area around the dock. Here are some pictures from our exploration.

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m/s Maasdam

Our ship.


Lower Quebec

A Quebec government building, with the Chateau (Hotel) Frontenac in the distance.



A beautiful, and accurate, sundial. Check your watches: it's just shy of 10:30 a.m.



Quite elaborate, if not completely legible, instructions for the sundial.



Patty with a lot of time on her hands.


We grabbed a light lunch, then headed for the tour rendezvous point by the cruise terminal building. Old Quebec, which is absolutely charming, has both a lower and an upper level. The upper level can be reached on foot, but is more easily accessed using a funicular, a combination of elevator and railway technology, sometimes called an inclined railway. Here's a picture of the funicular in Quebec.



Here are some shots of lower Quebec.

Lower Quebec


Lower Quebec


Lower Quebec

A mural depicting many of the people and happenings in Quebec's history.


Fort walls in lower Quebec

The old fort walls that surrounded lower Quebec in its early days.


Up the funicular we went. We got a close-up view of the Chateau Frontenac, saw a statue of someone very famous in Quebec, and toured both a beautiful little church and a former prison that's now a library. We walked back down (easier than walking up) to lower Quebec and headed back to the ship to relax at a late-afternoon wine tasting event. Here are several pictures from upper Quebec.

Hotel Frontenac

A closer shot of the magnificent Chateau Frontenac, taken from the lower city. You can see the top of the funicular just below and to the right of the Hotel.


m/s Maasdam from upper Quebec

Our ship from upper Quebec.



Samuel Champlain Monument on Dufferin Terrace in front of the Chateau Frontenac. Champlain founded the city in 1608.


Cathedrale of the Holy Trinity

Stained glass windows in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Simply beautiful.


All in all, a very nice day.

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